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what we are and what you get from us

Santa FE Homes is an exceptional real estate team that represents properties of distinction in many parts of the world. Santa FE has received accolades both nationally and internationally and continues to be the region’s top real estate team

Best price in the market

Over 20 experienced agents

Trusted properties

our services

Santa FE Homes is a luxury real estate and construction company that is dedicated to redefining the luxury real estate industry with transformative experiences through intricately designed architecture. Our services cater for those who have a refined taste for the finer things in life and value opulence in its truest and rarest form. From foundation to chandelier, we search globally for the world’s most renowned thought leaders in architecture, art and innovation in designing the masterpieces we create. Associated exclusively with bespoke and iconic structures, we offer a lifestyle only the Santa FE brand can deliver.

our core values


Exceeding expectations is what Santa FE stands for. We set new standards and beat all records for the satisfaction of our clients.


Going the extra mile to achieve extraordinary results is one of our guiding principles. From design to execution, we meticulously dot all i’s and cross all t’s to create masterpieces crafted to perfection. At Santa FE, we don't do things 10% better, we do things 10 times better!


With every new project, we strive to be more inventive than the last, through the use of latest technology, processes and a future forward thinking approach.

We only work with the best